Category: The hard stuff

The sea

Someone said to me – you always find the joy and I wish I could do that. And she looked like she was going to cry and I very nearly cried at the time and reflecting back on… Read More

The green eyed monster

Based on the title alone this post could be about my children and how they fight over every single toy/book/bit of fluff that we own. But actually it’s about me – me being a jealous old bitch. I… Read More

A whole night

He slept through the night. For the first time, since he was born, he slept longer than four hours. Four hours was his previous achievement. That four hours? Incredible. Indescribable. But a night? A whole night? When he… Read More

Closed to be open

It’s a strange little struggle when the way you want to parent, or the way you thought you would parent, interferes with what you just have to do to get by. I say little because – look, sometimes… Read More

Pō atarau

I had devastating news tonight. Sausages sizzling on the frying pan. Fireman Sam a soundtrack to Monday night domesticity. The baby grizzling. I’d just stuck a photo on Twitter. My husband was watering the garden. It was too… Read More

Do I have antenatal depression?

This is a post about anxiety and depression. It might be triggering for you if you’re currently struggling with your mental health. If you read this and it strikes a chord with you or you think you might… Read More

Goodnight and good luck

I am really tired. If you’re reading this and you’re a parent of young children you’re probably very tired too. I wanted to write this though because it’s basically all I’m thinking about right now. How tired I… Read More

Getting my life back

This is a post about anxiety and depression. It might be triggering for you if you’re currently struggling with your mental health. If you read this and it strikes a chord with you or you think you might… Read More

Careless words

Trigger warning: Ableist slurs and language EDIT: I wanted to add something to this post after a discussion on Twitter. All disability communities have their own preferences for the best way to address identity-first language issues. In the… Read More

How to make a mum friend

Surely I’m not the only person who finds making mum friends quite difficult? I struck gold with my ante-natal group and three years on, we are all really close. I have often wondered if it’s rare – I… Read More